Intelligent Business Automation for Real Estate Agents

If you are a licensed Real Estate Agent
Email us at [email protected].

Free (Ad Supported) & Paid Versions Available.

Management Team


Bob is our CEO. Bob is a leading real estate agent in the booming market of Charleston, SC. KRONTACT™ was initially created to build Bob's own business, and has been thoughly tested in this role since 2011. Prior to real estate, Bob has owned a number of popular web properties and has very successfuly leveraged his web and communications expertise into the real estate field.

Management Team


Cian is the Founder & CTO. Cian is a technologist from Dublin Ireland, with a decade's experience in Silicon Valley. Cian has served as Director of Marketing at companies such as Wohler Technologies, Prompter People & FloLight and Vice-President at & Cooltouch Monitors. Cian started out with a Sinclair ZX-81 and his early forays into internet projects included the world's first electronic-greeting card site with streaming media back in the '90s. Cian sent his first email in 1986.

36% Lead Capture Rates

That's what some of our top performing agents can experience.

This will revolutionize your cost per lead.

A Client Website

A KRONTACT™ public site for your prospective clients looks great on desktops, tablets & phones; but it's not just eye candy, the site is singularly focused on getting you leads with a comprehensive suite of lead capture hooks.

A Powerful CRM System

Acquire, Manage & Communicate with your Prospects.

Manage Volumes that were simply impossible before KRONTACT™.

Automate, automate, automate ... freeing you up to manage the top leads.

Top User Usage


Pageviews, clickthoughs, uniques, impressions, blah blah blah.....

It is about money

You are a real estate agent, you understand money.

If you could accurately measure what a lead cost, and how much money it will put in your pocket, what could you do?

Scale your business based on empirical data

Not with wishful thinking and maxed out credit cards.

With KRONTACT™, you will have these figures.


A scoring system that monitors contact behavior and keeps you abreast of the most interesting prospects.


Drip email sequences, and MLS email updates for your clients. Automated. Your new leads will receive drip email sequences designed to keep them abreast of their area of interest, and MLS property updates tailored to their specific needs. And it all happens automatically. No more transcribing new leads to your MLS's email subscription system - a task that some agents spend 2 hours every morning doing. Time better spent with highly interested clients in the car. Not all leads convert, KRONTACT™ manages them all, whilst encouraging the cream to float to the top and talk to you in person. Let KRONTACT™ separate the tire-kickers from the home buyers.


Is someone repeatedly looking at a particular listing over time? KRONTACT™ is always watching and analyzing contact behavior, and if it sees some particular interested contact stalking a property, it will try to solicit them to organize a showing with you. But don't worry about volume, KRONTACT™ is very very selective with such focused leads and is well aware that any inappropiate or unwanted email will work against you.

Unsubscribe Rate

You want a Blog?

Good, that will help differentiate your site for the search engines, improve organic traffic, and may even lower your cost per lead from paid sources such as google adwords. KRONTACT™ lets you add custom articles to the home page, as well as ones linked to specific city areas of the site. You can even embed your Youtube videos.

Custom Content

Its all well and good to say that San Francisco has X number of properties, and the median price is Y; but it is much better to talk about each city, subdivision and neighborhood in your own words, and even embed videos. KRONTACT™ allows, and strongly encourages you to customize - it will help lower your cost per lead from sources like Google AdWords - as these pay significant attention to visitor experience in adselection - it's not just about the bid. For the areas that are not a big focus for you, don't worry - we will generate content describing the market, and use photos from your own Broker's listings in place of a video. If a listing whose picture we can use isn't available, we will add another map. You can customize, but we have you covered if you don't.


We take the privacy of your leads very seriously. The ad supported version of KRONTACT™ does show web ads, mostly from google AdWords, and with the family safe, politics & religion filters on.

How Do You Get Started?

All You Need is a Real Estate License & Membership of an MLS.

If you are a licensed Real Estate Agent
Email us at [email protected].

KRONTACT™ offers free and paid versions. The free version is supported by ads on the site, and you can change at any time. Basic color and logo configuration is provided, however the real focus is on the hooks to gather leads - not what shade of mahogany the border is.